
Financial well-being from childhood

Our mission is to promote financial well-being from childhood by providing tools for parents to educate their children financially, Our platform offers a range of features, from simple ones such as an Allowance Wallet to more advanced ones such as virtual investments.

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Financial education is not as common as it should be, starting at an early age could make a difference to set a positive mindset about money. KidsWallet is a tool to manage kid's allowances but it is also a tool to help parents to educate their children financially, some of the main features are:


Kid's Wallet

Create a wallet for each kid, manage children's access to the wallet, configure allowances, rewards & warnings.


Deposits and Withdrawals

Add "Digital Coins" to a wallet, configure the Coin to Cash ratio (X coins are equivalent to Y dollars/euros/Etc.). Withdraw coins from a wallet; discounts coins from a wallet and shows what is the equivalent in cash.



Schedule a daily, weekly or monthly allowance for each kid, configure how many coins will be added.

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Rewards & Warnings

Configure how many "stars" will add a coin(s) to the wallet, and how many "warnings" will remove a coin(s) from it (pay a fine).


Fixed term

You and your children can decide what to do with the coins, keep them in the wallet ready to withdraw, or lock them for a fixed term, earning interest you can withdraw the coins before the term paying a fine.



Similar to Fixed term, you and your children can decide to invest some coins instead of keep them in the wallet, choose what to invest on (i.e. cartoons, video games, toys) and based on popularity trends earn or loss coins.

Some Use Case Examples

KidsWallet helps parents educate their kids financially, motivate kids to save and invest, and make allowances easy to manage

Manage your kid's allowance

Easily manage and schedule your kids allowance, for example

  • 20 coins a week for the older kid
  • 1 coin a day for the younger kid

Add coins to your kid's wallet

Add coins to a wallet at any time, for example

  • Add 50 coins to a kid's wallet on his/her birthday
  • Grandpa sends 100 coins to a kid's wallet for christmas

Reward your children

Add "stars" or "positive points" to a kid's wallet, for example

  • Add a star for helping with housework
  • Add 2 stars for reading a book

Configure how many stars will add coins to the wallet, for example

  • 5 stars will add 10 coins
  • 3 stars will add 1 coins

Manage "warnings"

Opposite to the rewards, you can add "warnings" or "negative points" to a kid's wallet, for example

  • Add a warning for misbehaving
  • Add 2 warning for hitting his little brother

Configure how many warnings will remove coins from the wallet (pay a fine), for example

  • 5 warnings will remove 10 coins
  • 3 warnings will remove 5 coins

Withdraw coins

A parent or guardian can configure the coin to cash ratio, for example

  • 100 coins equals $1
  • 50 coins equals €10

Together with your children, you can "withdraw" coins from the wallet to buy real world stuff or benefits, some examples:

  • Buy toys ($3 hotwheels = 300 coins)
  • Install a new video game (500 coins)
  • More screen time (10 minutes = 10 coins)

Invest & grow

You can help your children decide what to do with the coins in the wallet, so they can learn some basic financial concepts and start deciding how to use their money.

Ready to withdrawn

The coins can be used at any time, this is where the deposited coins and allowances are.

Fixed term deposit

The coins can be locked for some time, receiving an interest, for example

  • lock 100 coins for 1 year and get 110 coins
  • lock 500 coins for 30 days and get 502 coins


You and your kids can invest some coins into "subjects", for example

  • invest 100 coins on Minecraft
  • invest 500 coins on Pepa Pig
  • invest 10 coins on Gummy Bear Song

Based on a trending algorithm, you can earn or loss coins over time, for example

  • Minecraft increased its popularity 10% over the last month, you get 10% more coins
  • Pepa Pig decreased in popularity by 5% the last week, you loss 5% coins

Questions, suggestions or feature requests?

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